Effective Editing Strategies for Elementary Students
Every elementary school teacher knows that editing is a lot of work, both doing it and teaching it. You’ve heard all your students’ excuses: editing is hard; it takes too much time; everyone will know what they mean without edits, and of course, the classic “the first...
13 Fantastic Read-Aloud Books for 1st Grade Classrooms!
Many children start to build their fluency with written language and begin reading independently in first grade. It’s important to nurture and encourage this new skill—perhaps it will become the most enduring hobby of their lives—and one of the best ways to encourage...
You Can Make a Hardcover Book with Your Class! Here’s How
Despite fearful predictions about the future obsolescence of books ever since the invention of radio, books are still as popular as ever! From reader-focused communities like Bookstagram (Instagram accounts focused on the aesthetics and content of books) to BookTok...
How to Save Time While Planning Your Lessons
When it comes to teaching, lesson planning is a necessary evil. While lesson planning can look vastly different depending on your district or administration expectations, the fact remains that teachers spend a lot of time doing it. But we have some good news! Simple...
12 Ways to Help Students Who Struggle with Writing
With rising concerns over excessive screen time and the ubiquity of video calls, some might be led to believe the relevance of writing to everyday life is going the way of the dodo and Underwood typewriters. On the contrary, writing and reading are just as common as...
12 Animal-Themed Elementary School Activities That Students Will Love!
At some point in their lives, most people will develop at least one close and familiar bond with an animal. Forming these bonds results in more comprehensive emotional development, along with other significant and tangible benefits. Through interactions with animals,...
19 After-Winter-Break Activities: Start the New Semester the Right Way!
Coming back to school after winter break can be a challenge. Being halfway through the year, with the finish line on the horizon—not that close yet, but we can at least see it from here!—has a certain familiar slump to it. Lacking the excitement of the beginning or...
5th Grade Writing Prompts: Writing Short Stories!
Any teacher worth their chalk knows students love to tell stories! From describing their weekend activities of choice or sharing a favorite memory or imagining an outlandish solution to a complicated problem, kids have an instinctive understanding of narrative form....
Promoting Diversity in the Classroom
Recognizing diversity in the classroom is the first step towards acknowledging and honoring the individuality and uniqueness of each of your students. It is an essential part of guiding them towards becoming the best and truest versions of themselves. On paper,...
Brain-Building Cognitive Development Activities for Young Students
Cognitive development and intellectual functioning are highly predictive of future ability to navigate a path towards mental and emotional fluency, productivity and lifelong health. In its simplest form, cognitive development is the process of learning and improving...
13 Cause and Effect Activities Your Students Will Enjoy
The concept of cause and effect is both simple and complex at the same time. As adults, we understand that actions tend to have consequences, and events tend to have causes rather than everything happening independently. The complexity comes in when you stop to think...
Integrating Physical Activity in the Classroom
While being on your feet all day isn’t ideal, anyone who’s had a demanding desk job tends to come away with the opinion that sitting still all day isn’t great either! Until recently, most researchers tended to blame the “sitting” part of the job, but the current...
Our Story
We provide teachers and schools with a FREE hands-on writing activity that motivates students to write and inspires students to learn by turning their stories into professionally bound books.
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