
Securing grants for school supplies allows teachers to equip their classrooms with essential tools that enhance student learning and creativity. These grants enable teachers to provide their students with the necessary supplies they need to support educational development and a fun, engaging classroom environment.

Everyone benefits when students, parents and teachers don’t have to worry about having sufficient school supplies for all students to participate in activities. 

This guide will help you explore the world of grants so you can better secure the funds you need to keep your classroom fully supplied and running smoothly. Click here to see our 2023-2024 List of Grants for Elementary Schools or see our Grant Resources to fund your classbook project!

Why Apply for School Supplies Grants?

With the funds from a grant, you can purchase much-needed supplies for your students while fostering an effective learning environment. Use the money to invest in school supplies such as pencils, paper, books and technology. These resources are crucial to give your students the tools they need to succeed in the classroom. 

Benefits of Elementary School Grants for Teachers

Here are just a few additional ways a school supply grant can benefit your students and classroom functions. 

Improved Learning Environment

Access to necessary supplies ensures that all students can participate fully in classroom activities. Students don’t have to worry about whether they will have the proper supplies. Instead, you can provide an ample amount even for less fortunate students. 

Financial Relief

Grants alleviate the financial burden on teachers and parents. Teachers often spend their own money on classroom supplies. Parents are also asked to purchase supplies for their children which can cut into their household budgets. In many situations, they simply might not have the needed funds to buy their children’s school supplies. 

Enhanced Student Engagement

Every teacher dreams of having a fully stocked classroom to meet their students’ needs. Well-equipped classrooms foster creativity and participation, and having the right supplies on hand when students need them leads to better educational outcomes. 

Expanded Opportunities for Activities

Elementary school grants for teachers significantly expand opportunities for classroom activities, providing teachers with the resources to implement innovative and engaging educational experiences. 

One example of a grant-funded classroom activity is a classbook publishing project. This initiative allows students to become published authors while exploring creativity, improving writing skills and creating a sense of accomplishment. 

By securing grants, teachers can incorporate projects that previously seemed out of reach into their curriculum, offering students memorable and enriching experiences that inspire a lifelong love for learning and writing.


The Importance of Grants for Districts with Limited Financial Resources

Not all schools are funded the same. Grants play a crucial role in K-12 education by bringing much-needed funds directly into classrooms and districts. 

The funds can go to support various educational efforts including:

  • Improved literacy
  • STEM
  • Technology
  • Curriculum development
  • Equipment
  • Materials
  • Staffing

Teachers in many areas depend on grants. In districts with limited financial resources, grants are not just beneficial but essential for providing students with opportunities that they might not otherwise have. 

Some school districts will use funds to create smaller class sizes and provide even greater support. We understand that adjusting class sizes likely isn’t something teachers want to take on individually but it is good to know how schools have leveraged grants so you can bring ideas to administrators. 

Essential Information About Grant Money for Schools


Grants are available for both public and private schools, including non-profit institutions. Most government and private grants target public schools and districts, also known as Local Education Agencies (LEAs). However, opportunities exist for private schools as well. 

The key to securing a grant is to determine your school’s eligibility. You don’t want to spend an excessive amount of time preparing to apply for a grant if you do not fit the proper criteria. 

First, you’ll want to identify whether you’re applying as an individual educator or representing a larger entity like a club at the school, a particular department or the entire school or district. 

Once you have made the determination then you’ll want to sit down to review the eligibility criteria. Take a look at the official grant announcement to ensure you qualify. Be sure to read the fine print. 

Grants typically specify who they are intended for and the purposes for which the funds can be used. You might have to read a lot of the fine print, but eventually, you’ll find the intended party of the grant. 

  • Public schools often receive grants to cover costs and support the educational experience, particularly for students who may benefit from additional resources. 
  • Nonprofit schools, especially those with 501(c)(3) status, generally have access to a broader range of grants.
  • Private and for-profit schools may have fewer options but can still find opportunities if they carefully establish their eligibility.

When applying for a grant, seek guidance from your school’s administration. If your school is part of an LEA or district, consult your principal to determine which grants you should apply for. This is crucial, especially if the grant impacts staffing, professional development, technology investments or other district resources. 

Applying for certain grants might complicate other funding efforts due to district restrictions or limitations. Always secure approval internally before proceeding with any applications - you will see us repeat this in the ‘Steps to Finding and Applying for Grants’ section below.

In many cases grants might require the LEA to act as the lead fiscal agent, meaning they accept and manage the grant funds on your behalf. In such cases, school principals can coordinate with district officials to gain the necessary approval. 

For more information on fiscal agents, refer to resources like the NEA Foundation overview.

Pay attention to deadlines and required documentation for grant submissions. Applications may need extra documents, attachments or forms. Avoid waiting until the last minute to prevent oversights or technical issues.

By understanding these essential aspects, educators can better navigate the process of securing grant money for their schools and enhancing educational opportunities for their students.

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Studentreasures Grant Resources for Publishing Projects

At Studentreasures, we believe every child deserves a lasting memory. Our goal is to help students nationwide become published authors and become excited about writing by creating classbooks. There are numerous grants that support classbook projects. 

National Education Grants

National education grants are funds provided by the federal government, state governments or private organizations to support various educational initiatives and projects.

Subject Based Grants

These grants are designed to promote excellence and innovation in teaching and learning within specific subjects like reading and language arts. 

Title 1 and Crowdfunding

Title I is a federal program in the United States that provides financial assistance to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families. The goal of Title I is to ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

Just Because We Care

Studentreasures offers our own grant to teachers who want to purchase and maintain small animals in the classroom. We established this to provide students with the opportunity to interact with pets – an experience that can help shape their lives for years to come. See how students brought their class animal to life in Miss Ray’s classbook The Secret Life of Little Blue – Our Class Pet.

Click here for more information on classbook publishing project grants!

Steps to Finding and Applying for Grants

Finding and applying for school supply grants can be straightforward if you follow a systematic approach. Here’s how to get started.

Step 1: Identify Your Needs

Determine what supplies you need for your classroom. Create a list of items and prioritize them based on their importance. 

Step 2: Research Available Grants

Look for grants that match your needs. Use online databases, educational websites and community resources to find relevant grants.

Step 3: Review Eligibility Requirements

Each grant has specific eligibility criteria. Ensure you meet these requirements before applying.

  • Common Requirements: Teaching in a public school, having a specific number of students or focusing on a particular subject.
  • Note: At this point, you can bring in your principal or administrator to get approval before applying. Again, this is especially important if the grant impacts staffing, professional development, technology investments or other district resources. 

Step 4: Prepare Your Application

Most grant applications require a proposal. Clearly outline your needs, how the funds will be used and the expected outcomes.

  • Tip: Highlight how the grant will help your students achieve common core standards and improve their learning experience.

Step 5: Submit Your Application

Follow the submission guidelines carefully. Double-check all information and submit your application by the deadline.

Tips for Writing a Successful Grant Proposal

Writing a compelling grant proposal increases your chances of receiving funding. Here are some tips to help you craft a strong proposal.

Be Clear and Concise

Clearly state your needs and how the grant will help address them. Avoid jargon and lengthy wording. Keep your language simple - short and sweet is ideal.

  • Example: “Our classroom needs new science kits to enhance our hands-on learning activities.”

Focus on Outcomes

Explain how the grant will benefit your students. Use specific examples to illustrate the positive impact. You want the reader to truly feel and relate to how the grant is going to help your students and classroom positively. 

  • Example: “With these supplies, our students can conduct experiments that align with common core science standards, enhancing their understanding of key concepts.”

Provide Detailed Budget

No one likes to talk numbers (unless you are a math teacher) but you must focus on the budget when applying for a grant. 

Include a detailed budget that outlines how the funds will be used. By offering a detailed budget it demonstrates that you have a clear plan for the grant money.

  • Example: “The budget includes $200 for science kits, $100 for lab materials and $50 for additional resources.”

Send Thank-You Notes

Never underestimate the power of a simple thank-you note. Show appreciation by sending thank-you notes to the grant provider. 

A picture truly speaks volumes. Let those who gave you the grant know just how much your students have benefited from the funds. Include photos or descriptions of how the funds were used in your thank-you note. 

Provide Updates

Keep the grant provider informed about your project’s progress and outcomes. This will demonstrate the impact of their support. 

Reapply if Possible

Many grants are renewable. If you had a positive experience, consider reapplying for continued support. In many situations, you can gain grants for years so your classroom continues to benefit from the added support.

Transform Your Classroom with Creative Projects and Grants 

Finding grants for school supplies is a valuable way to enhance your classroom environment and provide essential resources for your students. By understanding the different types of grants and following a systematic approach to applying and implementing creative projects, you can make the most of the available funding opportunities. 

With the right resources, you can help your students achieve their full potential and become published authors through engaging activities like classbook projects.

At Studentreasures, we are passionate about making writing fun and motivational for students. Take this opportunity to create unforgettable memories and foster a love for learning and writing in your classroom. Register now to receive your FREE classbook publishing kit and start an exciting journey!

For a wealth of creative writing resources, innovative lesson plans and additional inspirational content, visit our online Teacher’s Lounge. Let’s make every classroom experience truly memorable.