Writing Prompts

Descriptive Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

We exist in a primarily visual world. From movies and TV shows to video games and social media, there’s no denying that visual media is more popular than ever before. It is more important now for writers to use vivid and descriptive language to help readers visualize... read more

5th Grade Writing Prompts: Writing Short Stories!

Any teacher worth their chalk knows students love to tell stories! From describing their weekend activities of choice or sharing a favorite memory or imagining an outlandish solution to a complicated problem, kids have an instinctive understanding of narrative form.... read more

18 Back-to-School Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

Summer vacation is almost over, and the new school year is almost here. These back-to-school writing prompts will help ease the transition!

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20 Summer Writing Prompts for Elementary Students

Summertime is here! Celebrate the upcoming vacation with your elementary students with these summer-themed writing prompts.

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Engaging 2nd Grade Writing Prompts That Promote Creativity (and Some Tips to Help You Create Your Own Writing Prompts!)

Here are six engaging 2nd grade writing prompts that promote creativity, plus some tips and tricks to help you create your own!

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We Should Change the Rules! Persuasive Writing Prompts for 5th Graders

Check out our persuasive writing prompts for 5th grade about changing the rules!

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