Create a Classbook and Become Published Authors!
Our FREE Classbook Toolkit makes it easy to publish a book for FREE with your class. It’s easy and perfect for guiding grades K-6 through the writing and publishing process. Our publishing kit infuses your lessons with hands-on-fun and motivates your students to do their best work, build upon their reading and writing skills and create a treasured keepsake. It can be as easy as putting an existing lesson onto the kit pages! Order your free publishing kit today and get access to the step-by-step Slideshow Lesson Plan and Choice Board included in the Classbook Toolkit!
Our FREE Classbook Toolkit makes it easy to publish a book for FREE with your class. It’s easy and perfect for guiding grades K-6 through the writing and publishing process. Our publishing kit infuses your lessons with hands-on-fun and motivates your students to do their best work, build upon their reading and writing skills and create a treasured keepsake. It can be as easy as putting an existing lesson onto the kit pages! Order your free publishing kit today and get access to the step-by-step Slideshow Lesson Plan and Choice Board included in the Classbook Toolkit!
Choose the perfect kit for your class with one of our easy classbook layouts:
A minimum of 12 students per class is required to participate in creating your FREE, classbook due to its collaborative nature. If you’re a homeschool or a pod click here.
Publish and win gift cards and grants for classroom supplies!
- Receive a $25 Amazon.com Gift Card for classroom supplies when parents purchase 20 or more copies.*
- Teachers publishing October - February are automatically entered for a chance to win thousands of dollars in grants!
- You’re automatically entered into the National Book Challenge for a chance to win up to $5,000 in school grants, just for publishing.
Publishing Is Easy! Here’s How:

Your FREE classbook kit includes:
- A FREE, deluxe hardcover copy of your classbook for the teacher and option for parents to purchase copies too
- 66 Kit Pages: 33 for Text & 33 for Illustration
- Cover, Title, Dedication and Author Page
- A Student-Created Sample Book
- Step-by-Step Teacher Guide
- Parent Order Forms
- Classroom Poster
Plus, we provide:
- Start-to-finish project support
- Project reminders to keep you on track
- FREE Classbook Toolkit with Slideshow Lesson Plan & Choice Board to guide your students through publishing a book together
- Storyboards, Printable Template Pages, Lesson Plans & Topic Ideas
- Replacement Materials
- Unlimited access to our online Teacher Community
Get Inspired With A Few of Our Favorite Books
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It gives students writing practice and gets them excited about writing. It is also a keepsake that can be read over and over again.
- Nancy C
Flint Hill Elementary
Oxford, GA
Have questions? Request assistance in our Care Center.
*Gift cards are to be used for classroom supplies and must be redeemed within one year of date issued. Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal.
Our Story
We provide teachers and schools with a FREE hands-on writing activity that motivates students to write and inspires students to learn by turning their stories into professionally bound books.
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